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  1. Feels like being at the quay overlooking the blue sea while watching the seagulls fly.
  2. Feels like encountering a cold-hearted warrior tribe in the middle of the wilderness where the desolate winds below.
  3. Feels mysterious. Maybe it's a forest where fairies live?
  4. Clear and cheerful music. It feels as if mushrooms are frolicking on top of the hill.
  5. Feels like thieves are lurking around every corner looking to rob unsuspecting people.
  6. Feels like entering a huge tree that fell asleep, strange yet familiar.
  7. Feels like fairies would be sleeping beneath a tree among beautiful flowers.
  8. Feels like where angels spread their wings float swiftly around town.
  9. Look, penguins and wolves walk with quick and short paces in Cold Field.
  10. Wow, the exciting life of playing and swimming with the fish in the ocean.
  11. Feels like a town where cute toys and robots wander the streets.
  12. Pew, pew! Fighting against alien lifeforms with a laser gun!
  13. Ah, feels like lying on grandma's lap on the floor of a thatched house and listening to a folk tale.
  14. Wow, it feels like flying on a dragon through the clear skies!
  15. Feels like a place where Shinsoo and the Empress lean against each other in a beautiful garden and rest on a languid afternoon.
  16. A penguin is leisurely fishing in a glacial town where everything is covered in ice.
  17. Wow, flying through the sky on a fancy ship! It's the stuff dreams are made of.
  18. It feels like a cobra will come out of a jar under the scorching sunlight of the desert.
  19. Feels tense as if looking for someone who disappeared in a dark alley.
  20. The bears have been training with all their might since dawn.
  21. Feels like an herb gather that came to a town surrounded by fog to dig out a mysterious 1000-year-old herb.
  22. It seems like the mechanics are hard at work making something!
  23. Feels like visiting another planet beyond the vast expanse of space.
  24. Feels imposing as if brave warriors are looking determined to storm the castle.
  25. Feels like cute foxes in the forest will prick up their ears and appear from the woods.